All Events & workshops are for Adults 18+
Kitchen Classes with Grant Wagner
Kitchen classes are at Salina Art Center | 242 S Santa Fe
wine-paired dishes - FULL
March 4 | 6-8 PM
Class Fee: $75
Grant will demonstrate how to cook 3 dishes (salad, entree, dessert) and what wine is paired with each.
dance date
March 7 | 7-8 PM
$30 a Couple
Join Audrey Umekubo as she shows you and your partner some basic dance move! This is for dancers of all skill sets. This is a great opportunity to have a fun date night or just practice your dance moves.
No Pressure Portraits
$25 a Couple
April 11 | 7-8 PM
Bring a friend or significant other and have a fun evening of light snacks, drinks, and then draw each other! You will be given quick lesson on drawing portraits, and then set loose to draw your partner. We are not responsible for what may result after portraits are complete.